Action System¶
The action system enables function calling within LionAGI:
Tools wrap a Python callable with optional pre/post processors and schema-based validation.
FunctionCalling is a specialized Event that executes these tools.
ActionManager registers multiple Tools for invocation by requests.
ActionRequestModel and ActionResponseModel define standardized protocols for specifying which function to call, with what arguments, and returning the function’s output.
The FunctionCalling
class extends Event
to manage the entire lifecycle of a tool invocation, including optional
pre and post processing. It updates execution
with status, duration,
and any output or error.
Class Documentation¶
- class lionagi.operatives.action.function_calling.FunctionCalling¶
Inherits from:
- Handles asynchronous function execution with pre/post processing.
This class manages function calls with optional preprocessing and postprocessing, handling both synchronous and asynchronous functions.
- func_toolTool
Tool instance containing the function to be called
- argumentsdict[str, Any]
Dictionary of arguments to pass to the function
- invoke()
Execute the function call with pre/post processing.
- to_dict()
Convert instance to dictionary.
- function
Returns the underlying function from func_tool.
>>> def multiply(x, y): ... return x * y >>> tool = Tool(func_callable=multiply) >>> func_call = FunctionCalling(func_tool=tool, arguments={"x": 3, "y": 4}) >>> await func_call.invoke() >>> print(func_call.execution.response) # Should show 12
Method Documentation¶
A specialized Manager
that keeps a
registry of tools (functions). It also provides an invoke method for
easily executing a registered function, given an ActionRequest
its Pydantic model.
Class Documentation¶
- class lionagi.operatives.action.manager.ActionManager¶
Inherits from:
- A manager that registers function-based tools and invokes them
when triggered by an ActionRequest. Tools can be registered individually or in bulk, and each tool must have a unique name.
- *argsFuncTool
A variable number of tools or callables.
- **kwargs
Additional named arguments that are also considered tools.
- registrydict[str, Tool]
Dictionary mapping function names to Tool instances.
- register_tool(tool, update=False)
Register a single tool/callable in the manager.
- register_tools(tools, update=False)
Register multiple tools at once.
- match_tool(action_request)
Convert an ActionRequest into a FunctionCalling instance.
- invoke(func_call)
High-level API to parse and run a function call.
- get_tool_schema(tools=False, auto_register=True, update=False)
Retrieve schemas for a subset of tools or for all.
- schema_list
Return the list of JSON schemas for all registered tools.
Method Documentation¶
- ActionManager.register_tool(tool, update=False)¶
Register a single tool/callable in the manager.
- toolFuncTool
A Tool object or a raw callable function.
- updatebool, default=False
If True, allow replacing an existing tool with the same name.
- ValueError
If tool already registered and update=False.
- TypeError
If tool is not a Tool or callable.
- ActionManager.register_tools(tools, update=False)¶
Register multiple tools at once.
- toolslist[FuncTool] | FuncTool
A single or list of tools/callables.
- updatebool, default=False
If True, allow updating existing tools.
- ValueError
If a duplicate tool is found and update=False.
- TypeError
If any item is not a Tool or callable.
- ActionManager.match_tool(action_request)¶
Convert an ActionRequest (or dict with “function”/”arguments”) into a FunctionCalling instance by finding the matching tool.
- action_requestActionRequest | ActionRequestModel | dict
The request specifying which function to call and with what arguments.
- FunctionCalling
The event object that can be invoked.
- TypeError
If action_request is an unsupported type.
- ValueError
If no matching tool is found in the registry.
- ActionManager.invoke(func_call)¶
High-level API to parse and run a function call.
- Steps:
Convert func_call to FunctionCalling via match_tool.
invoke() the resulting object.
Return the FunctionCalling, which includes execution.
- func_callActionRequestModel | ActionRequest
The action request model or ActionRequest object.
- FunctionCalling
The event object after execution completes.
- ActionManager.get_tool_schema(tools=False, auto_register=True, update=False)¶
Retrieve schemas for a subset of tools or for all.
- toolsToolRef, default=False
If True, return schema for all tools.
If False, return an empty dict.
If specific tool(s), returns only those schemas.
- auto_registerbool, default=True
If a tool (callable) is not yet in the registry, register if True.
- updatebool, default=False
If True, allow updating existing tools.
- dict
Dictionary containing tool schemas, e.g., {“tools”: [list of schemas]}
- ValueError
If requested tool is not found and auto_register=False.
- TypeError
If tool specification is invalid.
Request & Response Models¶
Contains Pydantic models for action requests and responses. These models typically map to conversation messages describing which function is called, with what arguments, and any returned output.
Class Documentation¶
- class lionagi.operatives.action.request_response_model.ActionRequestModel¶
Inherits from:
- Captures a single action request.
Includes the name of the function and the arguments.
- functionstr | None
Name of the function to call (e.g., “multiply”, “create_user”)
- argumentsdict[str, Any] | None
Dictionary of arguments to pass to the function
- create(content)
Class method to parse a string into one or more ActionRequestModel instances.
>>> request = ActionRequestModel( ... function="multiply", ... arguments={"x": 3, "y": 4} ... )
Method Documentation¶
- ActionRequestModel.create(content)¶
Attempt to parse a string (usually from a conversation or JSON) into one or more ActionRequestModel instances.
- contentstr
String content to parse.
- list[ActionRequestModel]
List of parsed request models. Returns empty list if no valid structure found.
- class lionagi.operatives.action.request_response_model.ActionResponseModel¶
Inherits from:
- Encapsulates a function’s output after being called. Typically
references the original function name, arguments, and the result.
- functionstr
Name of the function that was called
- argumentsdict[str, Any]
Dictionary of arguments that were passed
- outputAny
The function’s return value or output
>>> response = ActionResponseModel( ... function="multiply", ... arguments={"x": 3, "y": 4}, ... output=12 ... )
Field Models¶
The module also defines two field models for use in other Pydantic models:
: For lists of action requestsACTION_RESPONSES_FIELD
: For lists of action responses
The Tool module provides functionality for wrapping Python callables with additional features like pre/post-processing and automatic schema generation.
Class Documentation¶
- class lionagi.operatives.action.tool.Tool¶
Inherits from:
- Wraps a callable function with optional preprocessing of arguments,
postprocessing of results, and strict or partial argument matching. The tool_schema is auto-generated from the function signature if not provided.
- func_callableCallable[…, Any]
The callable function to be wrapped by the tool
- tool_schemadict[str, Any] | None, optional
Schema describing the function’s parameters and structure
- preprocessorCallable[[Any], Any] | None, optional
Optional function for preprocessing inputs before execution
- preprocessor_kwargsdict[str, Any], optional
Keyword arguments passed to the preprocessor function
- postprocessorCallable[[Any], Any] | None, optional
Optional function for postprocessing outputs after execution
- postprocessor_kwargsdict[str, Any], optional
Keyword arguments passed to the postprocessor function
- strict_func_callbool, default=False
Whether to enforce strict validation of function parameters
- functionstr
Return the function name from the auto-generated schema
- required_fieldsset[str]
Return the set of required parameter names from the schema
- minimum_acceptable_fieldsset[str]
Return the set of parameters that have no default values
- to_dict()
Serialize the Tool to a dict, including the function name
Type Aliases¶
- FuncTool¶
Type alias representing either a Tool instance or a raw callable function.
Tool | Callable[..., Any]
- FuncToolRef¶
Type alias for a reference to a function-based tool, by either the actual object, the raw callable, or the function name as a string.
FuncTool | str
- ToolRef¶
Type alias used for specifying one or more tool references, or a boolean indicating ‘all’ or ‘none’.
FuncToolRef | list[FuncToolRef] | bool
Helper Functions¶
def greet(name: str, greeting: str = "Hello") -> str:
return f"{greeting}, {name}!"
# Basic tool creation
tool = Tool(func_callable=greet)
# With preprocessing
def preprocess(args):
args["name"] = args["name"].title()
return args
tool_with_prep = Tool(
Internal helpers for parsing action requests and validating fields.
- parse_action_request(content)¶
Attempt to parse a string or dictionary into a list of action request dictionaries. Handles various input formats including JSON strings, Python code blocks, and dictionaries.
- contentstr | dict
The content to parse, either as a string or dictionary.
- list[dict]
List of dictionaries, each containing ‘function’ and ‘arguments’ keys.
Field Models¶
Field model for function names with validation.
- namestr
- defaultNone
Default value is None
- annotationstr | None
Type annotation
- descriptionstr
Description of how to use the function field
- exampleslist
Example function names like [“add”, “multiply”, “divide”]
Field Descriptions¶
The module provides several constant strings describing fields:
: Guidelines for function name fieldarguments_field_description
: Guidelines for arguments fieldaction_required_field_description
: Guidelines for required flagaction_requests_field_description
: Guidelines for request lists
Example Usage¶
A short example of how to use these classes:
from lionagi.operatives.action.manager import ActionManager
from lionagi.operatives.action.request_response_model import ActionRequestModel
# 1. Create an action manager and register a function
def multiply(x, y):
return x * y
manager = ActionManager()
# 2. Build an ActionRequestModel
request_data = {"function": "multiply", "arguments": {"x": 3, "y": 4}}
action_request = ActionRequestModel.model_validate(request_data)
# 3. Invoke
result_event = await manager.invoke(action_request)
print(result_event.execution.response) # Should show 12
File Locations¶ The
event for executing (ActionManager): The main manager for registering and invoking Tools. Pydantic-based models for requests/responses. The
class that wraps a callable function with schema Shared utility constants and a simple parser method for requests.
Copyright (c) 2023 - 2024, HaiyangLi < at gmail dot com>
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0