Instruct System

The Instruct System provides a flexible way to define and manage instruction parameters (e.g., a prompt, context, guidance, reason, or required actions) when building sophisticated workflows or LLM-driven tasks. It leverages Pydantic models (HashableModel) for type safety and easy serialization, plus some specialized “field” definitions to ensure consistent validation and usage across LionAGI.

Common usage patterns include:

  • Embedding an Instruct model within a larger data structure or node (e.g., InstructNode) that can be passed around to orchestrate tasks.

  • Managing collections of instructions (InstructCollection) for multi-step or multi-instruction pipelines.

1. Core Instruct Fields

These “field models” are specialized definitions for typical “instruct” data points:

  • Instruction: A primary instruction or objective (JSON-serializable).

  • Guidance: Additional strategic/tactical hints.

  • Context: Current environment or background info for the instruction.

  • Reason: Whether or not (or how) reasoning is included.

  • Actions: Whether actions are strictly required, optional, or not at all.

List of Fields:

2. The Instruct Model

Consolidates the instruction pattern with standard fields:

  • instruction: The user’s main objective (type: JsonValue | None).

  • guidance: Extra pointers or constraints (type: JsonValue | None).

  • context: Additional environment or prior state (type: JsonValue | None).

  • reason: Boolean for whether reasoning is included (or a separate struct).

  • actions: Boolean controlling if actions are needed.

Example usage:

from lionagi.operatives.instruct.instruct import Instruct

instr = Instruct(
    instruction={"task": "Translate the text to French"},
    guidance={"style": "formal"},
    context={"source_language": "English", "topic": "greetings"},
# => {"task": "Translate the text to French"}


A simple container pairing an instruct (the Instruct object) with a response (the final outcome from an LLM or other system). Typically used to store results after an instruction is processed.

3. Instruct Collection

Holds multiple Instruct objects (by default, fields named instruct_0, instruct_1, etc.). This lets you define a dynamic model that can contain an arbitrary number of instructions.

Key Methods:

  • instruct_models() -> list[Instruct]: Gathers all instruct_* fields into a list.

  • create_model_params(num_instructs=3, **kwargs) -> ModelParams(): Dynamically build a ModelParams definition for an InstructCollection with a specified count of instruct fields.

  • to_instruct_nodes() -> list[InstructNode](): Convert each instruct into an InstructNode.


from lionagi.operatives.instruct.collection import InstructCollection

class MyCollection(InstructCollection):

# Create a model config for 2 instructions
mp = MyCollection.create_model_params(num_instructs=2)
# Then generate a new pydantic model from it, or instantiate.

4. InstructNode

A specialized Node that includes an instruct field of type Instruct. This is useful when building graph structures in LionAGI and embedding instructions directly in the graph’s nodes. For instance, each node in a workflow graph might carry specific instructions for LLM steps or sub-tasks.


from lionagi.operatives.instruct.node import InstructNode
from lionagi.operatives.instruct.instruct import Instruct

node = InstructNode(
        instruction={"task": "Summarize text"},
        guidance={"style": "brief"},
print(node.instruct.instruction)  # => {"task": "Summarize text"}

5. Example: Combining Instruct

A common pattern might be to define a custom model that includes an Instruct (or a list of them). For example, if you have a multi-step LLM pipeline:

from pydantic import BaseModel
from lionagi.operatives.instruct.instruct import Instruct

class MyPipelineStage(BaseModel):
    name: str
    instruct: Instruct

stage = MyPipelineStage(
        instruction={"task": "Outline the main ideas"},

# The pipeline can handle 'stage.instruct' for LLM calls or tasks


The LionAGI Instruct System provides:

  • Instruct: A minimal, typed container for the main instruction, guidance, context, and toggles like reason or actions.

  • InstructCollection: A dynamic approach to storing multiple instructions.

  • InstructNode: When you need to embed an instruction inside a graph node.

By standardizing instruction-related fields (like instruction, guidance, context), this system promotes consistent usage across different modules, simplifying the integration of instructions in LLM-based tasks or advanced multi-step flows.