General Purpose Helpers

The lionagi.utils module provides an extensive set of general-purpose utilities that facilitate everything from copying and flattening data structures, handling (asynchronous) bulk operations, concurrency/throttling, fuzzy JSON/XML parsing, and more. It also contains core definitions like UNDEFINED and HashableModel.

Key Types & Constant: UNDEFINED


A global sentinel object used to represent an undefined or sentinel value that is distinct from Python’s built-ins like None. Often used in Pydantic contexts or to indicate the absence of a field.

class lionagi.utils.UndefinedType

A helper class representing the UNDEFINED sentinel. Once created, it is globally reused by LionAGI’s internal processing to consistently represent “no value.”

Hashable Model & Helpers

lionagi.utils.hash_dict(data) int

Internal utility to recursively handle dictionary, list, or Pydantic objects by converting them into JSON-like strings for hashing.

General Utility Types

Time & Path Management

lionagi.utils.time(*, tz=..., type_="timestamp", ...) float | str | datetime

Get the current time in various formats (timestamp, datetime, ISO8601, or custom).

  • tz – Timezone for the time (default: from TIMEZONE).

  • type – One of "timestamp", "datetime", "iso", or "custom".

  • sep – If type_=”iso”, a separator for date/time (default “T”).

  • custom_format – Required if type_=”custom”. A strftime format string.


Time in the requested format.

  • ValueError if an invalid type_ is used or missing format.

lionagi.utils.create_path(directory, filename, extension=None, timestamp=False, ...) Path

Generate a new file path, optionally ensuring unique or timestamped filenames.

  • directory – The directory in which to place the file.

  • filename – Base name of the file (without extension, or includes).

  • extension – If not in filename, a separate extension.

  • timestamp – Whether to add a time string to the filename.

  • random_hash_digits – If >0, a random hex is appended to avoid collisions.


A Path to the final file location.


from lionagi.utils import create_path
path = create_path("./logs", "session", extension="txt", timestamp=True)
# -> something like ./logs/session_20231025.txt

Copy, Flatten, & List Ops

lionagi.utils.copy(obj, /, *, deep=True, num=1) T | list[T]

Makes one or more copies of an object. Uses deepcopy by default (deep=True).

  • obj – The object to copy.

  • deep – Whether to perform a deep copy (default True).

  • num – Number of copies to produce; returns a single item if num=1, else a list.


The copied object or list of copies.

lionagi.utils.to_list(input_, /, flatten=False, dropna=False, unique=False, ...)

Convert an input (which could be a single item, str, mapping, or iterable) into a Python list with optional flattening, deduplication, or removing None/undefined items.

  • flatten (bool) - Recursively flatten nested lists.

  • dropna (bool) - Exclude None/UNDEFINED entries.

  • unique (bool) - Remove duplicates (requires flatten=True).

  • use_values (bool) - For enums or mappings, extract .value().


>>> to_list(1)
>>> to_list([1, [2, 3], None], flatten=True, dropna=True)
[1, 2, 3]

Higher-Order Calls: lcall, alcall, bcall

lionagi.utils.lcall(input_, func, /, *args, sanitize_input=False, ...)

Synchronously apply func to each item in an input list (with optional flattening, deduplication, removal of None, etc.). Returns a list of results.

If you pass e.g. sanitize_input=True, it uses to_list() on the input.

lionagi.utils.alcall(input_, func, /, ..., sanitize_input=False, max_concurrent=None, ...)

Asynchronously apply func to each item in the input. Supports: - optional concurrency limit - automatic retries - timeouts - pre/post flattening or dedup

Returns a list of results once all tasks are done.


from lionagi.utils import alcall

async def process_item(x):
    return x*x

results = await alcall([1,2,3], process_item)
# -> [1,4,9]
lionagi.utils.bcall(input_, func, /, batch_size, ...)

Asynchronously process input in batches. Returns an async generator. Each yield is the result from a single batch processed via alcall().

Fuzzy JSON / XML Parsing

lionagi.utils.to_json(input_data, /, fuzzy_parse=False) dict | list[dict]

Extract and parse JSON from a string or list of strings, possibly reading ```json ... ` code blocks. If multiple blocks exist, returns a list of them.


text = "some text ```json {\"a\":1} ``` more text ```json {\"b\":2} ```"
data = to_json(text)
# -> [{'a':1}, {'b':2}]

Attempt to parse JSON via multiple cleanup heuristics (like replacing single quotes, adding missing brackets, etc.).

Adds matching brackets if unbalanced.
Raises ValueError if the string is otherwise irreparable.
lionagi.utils.xml_to_dict(xml_string, /, suppress=False, remove_root=True, root_tag='root') dict
Convert an XML string to a nested dictionary structure. Optionally remove
the root element from the output.
lionagi.utils.dict_to_xml(data: dict, root_tag='root') str
Convert a dictionary to a simple XML string.
input_, use_model_dump=True, fuzzy_parse=False, str_type="json", ...

) -> dict

A universal “to dictionary” approach: - If input_ is a str, tries JSON or XML parse (optionally fuzzy). - If input_ is a Pydantic model, calls model_dump or other methods. - If input_ is an iterable, tries to convert to a dict of index->value. - If input_ is an Enum class, optionally uses enumerated values.

Fuzzy Checking & Recursion

input_, max_recursive_depth=5, recursive_custom_types=False, ...

) -> Any

Walks the structure of input_ up to max_recursive_depth levels, converting each sub-part to a dictionary if it’s recognized (like a Pydantic model, string that can parse to JSON, etc.). Raises RecursionError if depth is too large.

lionagi.utils.is_same_dtype(input_, dtype=None, return_dtype=False) bool | tuple[bool, type | None]
Check if all items share the same type (optionally checking
against a known `dtype`).

Concurrency/Throttling Decorators

lionagi.utils.throttle(func, period: float)

Make func only callable once every period seconds. If func is async, internally uses a forced-async approach and a simple time-based check.

lionagi.utils.max_concurrent(func, limit: int)

Limit concurrency of func calls to at most limit at once using an asyncio.Semaphore. If func is synchronous, it is forced to run in an async threadpool.

class lionagi.utils.Throttle

The underlying class used by throttle(). Provides a time-based gating mechanism for calls.


Wrap a synchronous function fn in an async wrapper by using a threadpool executor.

Numeric Conversions

input_, upper_bound=None, lower_bound=None, num_type='float', precision=None, ...

) -> int|float|complex|list[int|float|complex]

Convert a string or object to a numeric type, optionally handling scientific notation, fractions, percentages, complex numbers, or repeated matches within the string.

param input_:

The data to convert (string, int, float, etc.).

param upper_bound:

If not None, raise error if the parsed number > this.

param lower_bound:

Raise error if the parsed number < this.

param num_type:

‘int’, ‘float’, ‘complex’ (or the type objects).

param precision:

Round floats to this many decimal places.

param num_count:

If > 1, tries to find that many numeric occurrences in the input string.


The converted numeric value or list of values.


to_num("3.1415", num_type="float", precision=2)
# -> 3.14

to_num("55%", num_type="float")
# -> 0.55
lionagi.utils.breakdown_pydantic_annotation(model: type[BaseModel], max_depth=None)

Recursively gather type hints from a Pydantic model, returning a dictionary describing its structure. Potentially used for advanced introspection or generating schema-like info.

System Helpers & Others

lionagi.utils.run_package_manager_command(args: Sequence[str]) subprocess.CompletedProcess[bytes]

Tries to run a package manager command (like uv or fallback to pip). Used internally if you have a script that wants to install/uninstall Python packages in a consistent manner.