General Purpose Helpers¶
The lionagi.utils
module provides an extensive set of general-purpose utilities
that facilitate everything from copying and flattening data structures, handling
(asynchronous) bulk operations, concurrency/throttling, fuzzy JSON/XML parsing,
and more. It also contains core definitions like UNDEFINED
Key Types & Constant: UNDEFINED
- lionagi.utils.UNDEFINED¶
A global sentinel object used to represent an undefined or sentinel value that is distinct from Python’s built-ins like
. Often used in Pydantic contexts or to indicate the absence of a field.
Hashable Model & Helpers¶
- lionagi.utils.hash_dict(data) int ¶
Internal utility to recursively handle dictionary, list, or Pydantic objects by converting them into JSON-like strings for hashing.
General Utility Types¶
Time & Path Management¶
- lionagi.utils.time(*, tz=..., type_="timestamp", ...) float | str | datetime ¶
Get the current time in various formats (timestamp, datetime, ISO8601, or custom).
- Parameters:
tz – Timezone for the time (default: from
).type – One of
, or"custom"
.sep – If type_=”iso”, a separator for date/time (default “T”).
custom_format – Required if type_=”custom”. A strftime format string.
- Returns:
Time in the requested format.
- Raises:
ValueError if an invalid
is used or missing format.
- lionagi.utils.create_path(directory, filename, extension=None, timestamp=False, ...) Path ¶
Generate a new file path, optionally ensuring unique or timestamped filenames.
- Parameters:
directory – The directory in which to place the file.
filename – Base name of the file (without extension, or includes).
extension – If not in filename, a separate extension.
timestamp – Whether to add a time string to the filename.
random_hash_digits – If >0, a random hex is appended to avoid collisions.
- Returns:
to the final file location.
from lionagi.utils import create_path path = create_path("./logs", "session", extension="txt", timestamp=True) print(path) # -> something like ./logs/session_20231025.txt
Copy, Flatten, & List Ops¶
- lionagi.utils.copy(obj, /, *, deep=True, num=1) T | list[T] ¶
Makes one or more copies of an object. Uses
by default (deep=True
).- Parameters:
obj – The object to copy.
deep – Whether to perform a deep copy (default True).
num – Number of copies to produce; returns a single item if num=1, else a list.
- Returns:
The copied object or list of copies.
- lionagi.utils.to_list(input_, /, flatten=False, dropna=False, unique=False, ...)¶
Convert an input (which could be a single item, str, mapping, or iterable) into a Python list with optional flattening, deduplication, or removing None/undefined items.
- Parameters:
flatten (bool) - Recursively flatten nested lists.
dropna (bool) - Exclude None/
entries.unique (bool) - Remove duplicates (requires flatten=True).
use_values (bool) - For enums or mappings, extract .value().
>>> to_list(1) [1] >>> to_list([1, [2, 3], None], flatten=True, dropna=True) [1, 2, 3]
Higher-Order Calls: lcall, alcall, bcall¶
- lionagi.utils.lcall(input_, func, /, *args, sanitize_input=False, ...)¶
Synchronously apply func to each item in an input list (with optional flattening, deduplication, removal of None, etc.). Returns a list of results.
If you pass e.g.
, it usesto_list()
on the input.
- lionagi.utils.alcall(input_, func, /, ..., sanitize_input=False, max_concurrent=None, ...)¶
Asynchronously apply func to each item in the input. Supports: - optional concurrency limit - automatic retries - timeouts - pre/post flattening or dedup
Returns a list of results once all tasks are done.
from lionagi.utils import alcall async def process_item(x): return x*x results = await alcall([1,2,3], process_item) # -> [1,4,9]
Fuzzy JSON / XML Parsing¶
- lionagi.utils.to_json(input_data, /, fuzzy_parse=False) dict | list[dict] ¶
Extract and parse JSON from a string or list of strings, possibly reading
```json ... `
code blocks. If multiple blocks exist, returns a list of them.Examples:
text = "some text ```json {\"a\":1} ``` more text ```json {\"b\":2} ```" data = to_json(text) # -> [{'a':1}, {'b':2}]
- lionagi.utils.fuzzy_parse_json(str_to_parse)¶
Attempt to parse JSON via multiple cleanup heuristics (like replacing single quotes, adding missing brackets, etc.).
- lionagi.utils.fix_json_string(str_to_parse)¶
- Adds matching brackets if unbalanced.
- Raises ValueError if the string is otherwise irreparable.
- lionagi.utils.xml_to_dict(xml_string, /, suppress=False, remove_root=True, root_tag='root') dict ¶
- Convert an XML string to a nested dictionary structure. Optionally remove
- the root element from the output.
- lionagi.utils.dict_to_xml(data: dict, root_tag='root') str ¶
- Convert a dictionary to a simple XML string.
- to_dict(
- input_, use_model_dump=True, fuzzy_parse=False, str_type="json", ...
) -> dict
A universal “to dictionary” approach: - If input_ is a str, tries JSON or XML parse (optionally fuzzy). - If input_ is a Pydantic model, calls model_dump or other methods. - If input_ is an iterable, tries to convert to a dict of index->value. - If input_ is an Enum class, optionally uses enumerated values.
Fuzzy Checking & Recursion¶
- recursive_to_dict(
- input_, max_recursive_depth=5, recursive_custom_types=False, ...
) -> Any
Walks the structure of input_ up to max_recursive_depth levels, converting each sub-part to a dictionary if it’s recognized (like a Pydantic model, string that can parse to JSON, etc.). Raises RecursionError if depth is too large.
- lionagi.utils.is_same_dtype(input_, dtype=None, return_dtype=False) bool | tuple[bool, type | None] ¶
- Check if all items share the same type (optionally checking
- against a known `dtype`).
Concurrency/Throttling Decorators¶
- lionagi.utils.throttle(func, period: float)¶
Make func only callable once every
seconds. If func is async, internally uses a forced-async approach and a simple time-based check.
- lionagi.utils.max_concurrent(func, limit: int)¶
Limit concurrency of func calls to at most limit at once using an asyncio.Semaphore. If func is synchronous, it is forced to run in an async threadpool.
- class lionagi.utils.Throttle¶
The underlying class used by
. Provides a time-based gating mechanism for calls.
- lionagi.utils.force_async(fn)¶
Wrap a synchronous function fn in an async wrapper by using a threadpool executor.
Numeric Conversions¶
- to_num(
- input_, upper_bound=None, lower_bound=None, num_type='float', precision=None, ...
) -> int|float|complex|list[int|float|complex]
Convert a string or object to a numeric type, optionally handling scientific notation, fractions, percentages, complex numbers, or repeated matches within the string.
- param input_:
The data to convert (string, int, float, etc.).
- param upper_bound:
If not None, raise error if the parsed number > this.
- param lower_bound:
Raise error if the parsed number < this.
- param num_type:
‘int’, ‘float’, ‘complex’ (or the type objects).
- param precision:
Round floats to this many decimal places.
- param num_count:
If > 1, tries to find that many numeric occurrences in the input string.
- return:
The converted numeric value or list of values.
to_num("3.1415", num_type="float", precision=2) # -> 3.14 to_num("55%", num_type="float") # -> 0.55
- lionagi.utils.breakdown_pydantic_annotation(model: type[BaseModel], max_depth=None)¶
Recursively gather type hints from a Pydantic model, returning a dictionary describing its structure. Potentially used for advanced introspection or generating schema-like info.
System Helpers & Others¶
- lionagi.utils.run_package_manager_command(args: Sequence[str]) subprocess.CompletedProcess[bytes] ¶
Tries to run a package manager command (like
or fallback topip
). Used internally if you have a script that wants to install/uninstall Python packages in a consistent manner.