This subpackage contains helpers and utilities for rendering, extracting, and generating schema data in JSON or Markdown form, as well as introspecting function docstrings. The main functionalities include:
Generating human-readable JSON or Markdown output
Extracting code blocks from Markdown text
Parsing function docstrings (both Google-style and reST-style)
Generating schema definitions from function signatures
Extracting JSON Schema from nested data
Functions in this module focus on converting Python objects into human-readable JSON or Markdown code blocks.
- lionagi.libs.schema.as_readable.as_readable_json(input_: Any, /, **kwargs) str ¶
Convert arbitrary input data to a human-readable JSON string with optional recursion, fuzzy parsing, Pydantic-model dumping, etc. By default, uses
internally for robust transformations, then callsjson.dumps
with indentation.Parameters: - input_ (Any): The object to be converted. - kwargs:
Additional arguments (e.g., for controlling recursion depth or ascii-encoding)
Passed on to
or tojson.dumps
Raises: - ValueError: If the conversion to JSON fails.
Returns: - str: The object serialized as a nicely formatted JSON string.
- lionagi.libs.schema.as_readable.as_readable(input_: Any, /, *, md: bool = False, **kwargs) str ¶
Build on
by optionally wrapping the JSON output in triple-backtick Markdown fences. If any error occurs, falls back to a direct string cast.Parameters: - md (bool): If True, wraps output with
```json ... `
. - kwargs: Passed on toas_readable_json()
.Returns: - str: A plain or Markdown-formatted representation.
Utilities to find and extract code blocks from Markdown text.
- lionagi.libs.schema.code_block.extract_code_block(str_to_parse: str, return_as_list: bool = False, languages: list[str] | None = None, categorize: bool = False) str | list[str] | dict[str, list[str]] ¶
Searches for code blocks in Markdown or text data marked by triple backticks (```) or tildes (~~~). Optionally filters by a list of language names (like ‘python’, ‘json’) and can either return them concatenated, as a list, or grouped by language in a dictionary.
Parameters: - str_to_parse (str): The Markdown or text content to scan. - return_as_list (bool): If True, returns a list of code blocks.
Otherwise, returns them joined by a double newline.
languages (list[str] | None): Extract code only for these language identifiers. If None, extract all.
categorize (bool): If True, returns a dict:
lang -> [blocks...]
Returns: - str or list[str] or dict[str, list[str]]: Code blocks found, in the
chosen format.
Provides ways to parse Python docstrings in Google- or reST-style formats, extracting short descriptions and parameter definitions.
- lionagi.libs.schema.extract_docstring.extract_docstring(func: Callable, style: Literal['google', 'rest'] = 'google') tuple[str | None, dict[str, str]] ¶
Unified interface that calls either a Google-style or reST-style docstring parser. Returns a tuple:
(function_description, {param_name: param_desc, ...})
.Parameters: - func (Callable): The target function to parse. - style ({“google”, “rest”}): Which docstring style to expect.
Returns: - (str | None, dict[str, str]): A short description (often the first line),
plus a dictionary mapping each parameter to its doc line.
def myfunc(x: int): \"\"\"Example function. Args: x (int): The x argument. \"\"\" pass short_desc, param_map = extract_docstring(myfunc, style="google")
Raises: - ValueError: If an unsupported style is requested.
Converts Python function signatures and docstrings into a JSON schema or OpenAI “function call” style specification.
- lionagi.libs.schema.function_to_schema.function_to_schema(f_, style='google', *, func_description=None, parametert_description=None) dict ¶
Analyze the function name, docstring, signature, and parameter types (from hints) to produce a schema-like definition. By default, it uses Google-style docstrings for extracting parameter descriptions.
Parameters: - f_ (Callable): The function object. - style (str): “google” or “rest” docstring style. - func_description (str | None): Override docstring-based function summary. - parametert_description (dict | None): Override docstring-based param desc.
Returns: - dict: A dictionary resembling an “OpenAI function” schema, e.g.:
{ "type": "function", "function": { "name": "func_name", "description": "some doc summary", "parameters": { "type": "object", "properties": { ... }, "required": ["param1", ...] } } }
Extract or generate JSON schemas from nested Python data, also providing CFG-grammar or regex approaches for additional downstream usage.
- lionagi.libs.schema.json_schema_extractor.extract_json_schema(data: Any, sep='|', coerce_keys=True, dynamic=True, coerce_sequence=None, max_depth=None) dict[str, Any] ¶
Flatten the input (via
), then derive a JSON schema. For each flattened key => value, generate a property with type guess. The resulting dictionary is a minimal JSON schema.Returns: - dict: With “type”: “object” and “properties” describing structure.
- lionagi.libs.schema.json_schema_extractor.json_schema_to_cfg(schema: dict[str, Any], start_symbol='S') list[tuple[str, list[str]]] ¶
Convert the schema into a simplified context-free grammar, returning a list of productions. Useful for generating or checking textual forms that match the schema.
- lionagi.libs.schema.json_schema_extractor.json_schema_to_regex(schema: dict[str, Any]) str ¶
Convert the schema into a single large regex pattern (approximate!). For each type in the schema, we produce a fragment. This is simplistic—use with caution for complex objects.
- lionagi.libs.schema.json_schema_extractor.print_cfg(productions: list[tuple[str, list[str]]])¶
Print the grammar in a readable form.
Usage Example¶
Below is a short usage example demonstrating typical usage:
from lionagi.libs.schema.as_readable import as_readable
from lionagi.libs.schema.extract_docstring import extract_docstring
from lionagi.libs.schema.json_schema_extractor import extract_json_schema
from lionagi.libs.schema.function_to_schema import function_to_schema
def example_func(param1: int, param2: str) -> bool:
\"\"\"Example function.
param1 (int): The first parameter.
param2 (str): The second parameter.
return True
# 1) Turn some data into a pretty JSON
data = {"foo": [1,2,3], "bar": {"nested": True}}
pretty = as_readable(data, md=True)
# 2) Extract docstring from function
short_desc, param_desc = extract_docstring(example_func, "google")
print(short_desc, param_desc)
# 3) Generate JSON schema from data
schema = extract_json_schema(data)
# 4) Build "function" schema
f_schema = function_to_schema(example_func, style="google")