

The Pile class is a thread-safe, async-compatible collection of items. It merges the capabilities of an ordered container with concurrency locks and optional type constraints. Piles are well-suited for multi-threaded or async environments, where items must be inserted, retrieved, or removed safely. They also integrate with adapter-based conversions (like JSON, CSV, Excel, or DataFrames) for convenient data import/export.


class lionagi.protocols.generic.pile.Pile(Element, Collective[E], Generic[E])

Inherits from: Element, Collective

A concurrent, ordered collection that manages items along with their IDs, preserves insertion order via an internal Progression, and enforces optional type constraints. A Pile is also async-compatible, providing methods like asetitem, apop, and aupdate for cooperative concurrency.


collectionsdict[IDType, T]

A dictionary mapping each item’s unique ID to the actual item.

item_typeset[type[T]] | None

A set of allowed item types. If None, any Observable is allowed.


Tracks the order of items by their IDs.


If True, items must match exactly one of the item_type classes (no subclassing allowed). If False, subclasses are also valid.


  • Thread safety is provided via an internal lock, used in synchronized()-decorated methods.

  • Asynchronous methods use an async lock, managed by async_synchronized().


__init__(collections: ID.ItemSeq | None = None, item_type: set[type[T]] | None = None, order: ID.RefSeq | None = None, strict_type: bool = False, **kwargs)

Creates a new Pile with optional initial items, item type constraints, a custom order, and a strict-type toggle.


collectionsID.ItemSeq | None

The initial set of items (could be a list, dict, or Collective).

item_typeset[type[T]] | None

A set of permitted item types. If not provided, any Observable is allowed.

orderID.RefSeq | None

A predetermined ordering or references for the items.


Whether to enforce exact type matching for each item (subclasses not allowed if True).

Core Methods (Synchronous)

The following synchronous methods are locked with synchronized():

pop(key: ID.Ref | ID.RefSeq | int | slice, default: D = UNDEFINED) T | Pile | D

Removes and returns item(s) indexed by key. If not found and default is provided, returns default instead of raising an error.

remove(item: T) None

Removes a specific item if present. Raises a ValueError if not found.

include(item: ID.ItemSeq | ID.Item) None

Adds item(s) if not already present.

exclude(item: ID.ItemSeq | ID.Item) None

Excludes/removes item(s) if present.

clear() None

Clears all items from the pile.

update(other: ID.ItemSeq | ID.Item) None

Updates the pile with items from another source. Existing items are replaced if they match IDs, or newly included if not present.

insert(index: int, item: T) None

Inserts a single item at the given index.

append(item: T) None

Appends a single item to the end. (Alias for including one item.)

get(key: ID.Ref | ID.RefSeq | int | slice, default: D = UNDEFINED) T | Pile | D

Retrieves item(s) from the pile, returning default if the key is not found and a default is given.

Additional Synchronous Accessors

keys() Sequence[str]

Returns a list of item IDs (as strings) in the current order.

values() Sequence[T]

Returns the list of items in order.

items() Sequence[tuple[IDType, T]]

Returns (ID, item) pairs in order.

is_empty() bool

Checks if the pile is empty.

size() int

Returns the number of items in the pile.

Overridden Python Dunder Methods

__len__() int

Returns the number of items in the pile (same as size()).

__iter__() Iterator[T]

Iterates over items in the pile according to the internal order.

__contains__(item: ID.RefSeq | ID.Ref) bool

Checks if an item or ID reference is in the pile.

__bool__() bool

Returns True if the pile is not empty.

Async Methods

The following methods are decorated with async_synchronized():

asetitem(key: ID.Ref | ID.RefSeq | int | slice, item: ID.ItemSeq | ID.Item) None

Async equivalent of __setitem__.

apop(key: ID.Ref | ID.RefSeq | int | slice, default: Any = UNDEFINED) Any

Async version of pop().

aremove(item: ID.Ref | ID.RefSeq) None

Async version of remove().

ainclude(item: ID.ItemSeq | ID.Item) None

Async version of include().

aexclude(item: ID.Ref | ID.RefSeq) None

Async version of exclude().

aclear() None

Async version of clear().

aupdate(other: ID.ItemSeq | ID.Item) None

Async version of update().

aget(key: Any, default=UNDEFINED) Any

Async version of get().

__aiter__() AsyncIterator[T]

Provides an async iterator over the items in the pile.

File Export & Import

Pile supports adapters for JSON, CSV, Excel, and Pandas DataFrame format. Some key methods:

to_df(columns: list[str] | None = None, **kwargs) pd.DataFrame

Converts the pile’s data to a pandas DataFrame via the Pandas adapter.

to_csv_file(fp: str | Path, **kwargs) None

Exports the items to a CSV file using the CSV adapter.

to_json_file(path_or_buf, use_pd: bool = False, mode='w', verbose=False, **kwargs) None

Saves the pile to a JSON file. By default uses a basic JSON dump, but if use_pd is True, uses pandas to export.

classmethod adapt_from(obj: Any, obj_key: str, **kwargs)

Creates a Pile from an external source (like a file path, DataFrame, or JSON object) by invoking the matching adapter.

adapt_to(obj_key: str, **kwargs: Any) Any

Converts this Pile to another format (e.g., a DataFrame or JSON) via the registered adapters.

Operators for Set-Like Behaviors

Pile implements some set-inspired methods. For instance:

__or__, __ior__
Union or in-place union with another pile.
__xor__, __ixor__
Symmetric difference or in-place symmetric difference.
__and__, __iand__
Intersection or in-place intersection.


from lionagi.protocols.generic.pile import Pile
from lionagi.protocols.generic.element import Element

class MyItem(Element):

p = Pile()
item1, item2 = MyItem(), MyItem()
print(p)  # e.g. "Pile(2)"

# Export to CSV


lionagi.protocols.generic.pile.pile(collections: Any = None, /, item_type: type[T] | set[type[T]] | None = None, progression: list[str] | None = None, strict_type: bool = False, df: pd.DataFrame | None = None, fp: str | Path | None = None, **kwargs) Pile

A factory function for creating a Pile with flexible input. It inspects parameters (e.g., a DataFrame or file path) to automatically pick the correct adapter if needed. Otherwise, it just instantiates a normal Pile with the given collections, type, and ordering.



Initial items for the pile. Could be a single item, a list/tuple, or a dictionary of items.

item_typetype[T] | set[type[T]] | None

Allowed element types (must inherit from Observable). If None, no restriction besides inheriting Observable.

progressionlist[str] | None

A preset order of item IDs.


If True, enforce exact type matches against item_type.

dfpd.DataFrame | None

If provided, creates a pile from a pandas DataFrame using the “pd_dataframe” adapter (highest priority).

fpstr | Path | None

A filepath for CSV/JSON/Excel from which to create a pile (priority 2).



A new pile instance.


from lionagi.protocols.generic.pile import pile

# Create from a CSV file
p = pile(fp="data.csv")

# Create from a DataFrame
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({...})
p2 = pile(df=df, item_type=MyItem)

Helper Functions

lionagi.protocols.generic.pile.to_list_type(value: Any) list[Any]

Converts the input into a list format for internal handling:

  • If None, returns [].

  • If already a list, tuple, set, or deque, returns a list copy.

  • If a string or IDType, attempts to validate or wrap as an ID.

  • Otherwise returns [value].

Used internally by the Pile for consistent item parsing.

File Location

Source File: lionagi/protocols/generic/pile.py

Copyright (c) 2023 - 2024, HaiyangLi <quantocean.li at gmail dot com> SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0