Element, IDType, and ID


This module contains classes and functions that handle UUID-based IDs, simple identity checks, and a foundational Element class built on Pydantic. With these abstractions, other parts of the system can reliably create and reference unique objects by ID, track metadata, and manage timestamps.


class lionagi.protocols.generic.element.IDType

A lightweight wrapper around a UUID (preferably version 4). It ensures valid UUIDv4 strings can be created or parsed, and supports hashing/equality so instances can be used as dictionary keys or set members.



The wrapped UUID object.


  • Use create() to generate a random version-4 UUID.

  • Use validate() to convert user inputs (strings, UUIDs, or existing IDType objects) into a proper IDType.


__init__(id: UUID) None

Initializes the wrapper with a given UUID (ideally v4).

classmethod validate(value: str | UUID | IDType) IDType

Validates and converts a string, UUID, or existing IDType into a proper IDType. Raises lionagi._errors.IDError if the input is invalid.

classmethod create() IDType

Creates a new IDType with a randomly generated v4 UUID.

__str__() str

Returns the string representation of the underlying UUID.

__repr__() str

Developer-friendly representation for debugging, e.g. IDType(XXXX).

__eq__(other: Any) bool

Checks equality based on the underlying UUID.

__hash__() int

Returns a hash so IDType can serve as a dictionary key.


class lionagi.protocols.generic.element.Element

Inherits from: pydantic.BaseModel, lionagi.protocols._concepts.Observable

A Pydantic-based class that provides a unique ID, a creation timestamp, and a flexible metadata dictionary. This forms a foundation for many other LionAGI components that need to be both observable and serializable.



A unique identifier (UUIDv4). Defaults to a newly generated one.


A float-based Unix timestamp. Defaults to current time.


A dictionary for storing additional user-defined data.


classmethod class_name(full: bool = False) str

Returns either the class name (e.g., Element) or the fully qualified path (e.g., lionagi.protocols.generic.element.Element) depending on the full flag.

to_dict() dict

Converts this Element into a dictionary, appending the "lion_class" field to metadata for class identification. Fields that are lionagi.utils.UNDEFINED are omitted.

classmethod from_dict(data: dict) Element

Creates an Element or Element subclass instance from a dictionary. If the dictionary metadata includes a lion_class different from this class, it attempts a dynamic lookup or import of that subclass.


  • The Pydantic validators ensure that id is always a valid IDType and created_at is a float-based timestamp.

  • Instances of Element are hashable and can be used as dictionary keys (hashing by their id).


lionagi.protocols.generic.element.validate_order(order: Any) list[IDType]

Validates and flattens an ordering structure into a list of IDType objects. Accepts various input forms—like a single Element, a list of items, or a mapping (dictionary) of items—and ensures a consistent flat list of IDs.



A potentially nested structure of items, each item possibly being an Element, a string, a UUID, or an IDType.



A flat list of validated IDType objects.



If any item cannot be converted to an IDType or if inconsistent types are encountered.


Basic usage with a single Element:

element = SomeElementSubclass()
order_list = validate_order(element)
# order_list is now [element.id]

Passing a nested list of elements or strings:

items = [element1, "7acf8c04-3c6b-4edf-b221-e90c88f24fc0", [element2, element3]]
order_list = validate_order(items)
# returns a flat list of IDType objects


class lionagi.protocols.generic.element.ID(Generic[E])

A utility class for extracting IDs from various inputs and checking if an object qualifies as an ID. Useful in code that must handle Elements, raw strings (representing UUIDs), or IDType objects interchangeably.

Type Parameters


Constrains the generic type to elements that inherit from Element.



Refers to IDType.


Can be an instance of E or Element.


Can be an IDType, an Element, or a UUID string.


Sequence of IDType or an Ordering[E].


Sequence of type E or a Collective[E].


A union of ItemSeq, a sequence of references, or Ordering[E].


static get_id(item: E) IDType

Retrieves an IDType from multiple item forms. If the item is already an Element, returns its id. If it’s a string or a UUID, validates it as a v4 UUID. Raises ValueError if conversion fails.

static is_id(item: Any) bool

Checks whether the given object can be validated as an IDType. Returns True if it’s a valid ID, else False.


from uuid import uuid4
from lionagi.protocols.generic.element import ID, Element, IDType

class MyElement(Element):

elem = MyElement()
print(ID.get_id(elem))   # -> IDType(...)
print(ID.is_id(uuid4())) # -> True

File Location

Source File: lionagi/protocols/generic/element.py

Copyright (c) 2023 - 2024, HaiyangLi <quantocean.li at gmail dot com> SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0