

The Progression class combines a list-like structure of IDs (IDType) with the properties of an Ordering. It allows insertion, removal, and slicing while preserving a strict sequence of items. The optional name field enables easy identification or labeling of the progression. Also included is a convenience function, prog(), for quick creation of a new Progression.


class lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.Progression(Element, Ordering[E], Generic[E])

Inherits from: Element Ordering

Tracks an ordered sequence of item IDs, plus an optional name. This class offers list-like methods such as indexing, slicing, insertion, and removal while ensuring that the items are all valid IDType objects.



The stored list of IDs, each representing an element in the progression.

namestr | None

An optional string giving this progression a human-readable name.

Validators & Serializers

classmethod lionagi.protocols.generic.progression._validate_ordering(value: Any) list[IDType]

Private class method that ensures the given value is a valid list of IDs, flattening nested structures via validate_order(). Raises ValueError if items are invalid.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression._serialize_order(value: list[IDType]) list[str]

Private instance method that serializes each IDType in the list into its UUID string representation.

Basic Methods

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.__len__() int

Returns the number of IDs in the progression.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.__bool__() bool

Returns True if the progression has at least one ID, otherwise False.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.__contains__(item: Any) bool

Checks if all IDs in the given item (Element, IDType, UUID, or a collection thereof) exist in this progression.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.__getitem__(key: int | slice) IDType | list[IDType]

Fetches either a single ID (if key is an int) or a new sub-Progression (if key is a slice).



If the requested index or slice is out of range.


If key is neither an int nor a slice.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.__setitem__(key: int | slice, value: Any) None

Replaces items at the specified position(s) with new IDs validated via validate_order().

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.__delitem__(key: int | slice) None

Removes items at the specified position(s).

Iteration & Utility

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.__iter__() Iterator[IDType]

Iterates over the IDs in order.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.__list__() list[IDType]

Returns a shallow copy of the entire order list.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.clear() None

Clears all IDs from the progression.

Collective-Like Methods

The following methods satisfy the Ordering interface:

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.include(item: Any) bool

Adds new IDs (if not already present). Returns True if at least one ID was appended, else False.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.exclude(item: Any) bool

Removes occurrences of specified IDs. Returns True if one or more items were removed, else False.

Additional List-Like Methods

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.append(item: Any) None

Appends one or more validated IDs to the end of the progression.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.pop(index: int = -1) IDType

Removes and returns a single ID by index (defaulting to the last item). Raises lionagi._errors.ItemNotFoundError if the index is invalid.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.popleft() IDType

Removes and returns the first ID. Raises lionagi._errors.ItemNotFoundError if the progression is empty.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.remove(item: Any) None

Removes the first occurrence of each specified ID. Raises lionagi._errors.ItemNotFoundError if any ID is not found.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.count(item: Any) int

Counts occurrences of a given ID in the progression.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.index(item: Any, start: int = 0, end: int | None = None) int

Finds the position of the first occurrence of an ID. Raises ValueError if the ID is not found within the given range.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.extend(other: Progression)

Appends all IDs from another Progression to this one. Raises ValueError if other is not a Progression.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.insert(index: int, item: ID.RefSeq) None

Inserts one or more IDs at a specific index.

Advanced Operators

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.__add__(other: Any) Progression[E]

Returns a new Progression with IDs from both this instance and other (validated).

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.__radd__(other: Any) Progression[E]

Allows concatenation when this progression is on the right-hand side.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.__iadd__(other: Any) Self

In-place addition of IDs. Uses append() under the hood.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.__sub__(other: Any) Progression[E]

Returns a new Progression excluding any IDs in other.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.__isub__(other: Any) Self

In-place removal of IDs found in other. Uses remove() internally.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.__reverse__() Progression[E]

Returns a new reversed copy of the progression.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.__eq__(other: object) bool

Checks whether two progressions have the same order and name.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.__gt__(other: Progression[E]) bool

Compares whether this progression’s order is “greater.”

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.__lt__(other: Progression[E]) bool

Compares whether this progression’s order is “less.”

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.__ge__(other: Progression[E]) bool

Greater-or-equal comparison by order.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.__le__(other: Progression[E]) bool

Less-or-equal comparison by order.

lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.__repr__() str

Developer-friendly string showing the name and order.


from lionagi.protocols.generic.progression import Progression, prog
from lionagi.protocols.generic.element import Element

class MyElem(Element):

elem1, elem2 = MyElem(), MyElem()

# Create a new progression
p = Progression(order=[], name="My Progression")

# Alternatively, use the `prog` function
p2 = prog([elem1, elem2], name="Quickly Built")
assert == "Quickly Built"


lionagi.protocols.generic.progression.prog(order: Any, name: str = None) Progression

A convenience function to instantiate a new Progression without manually creating the object.



Any structure that can be validated by validate_order(), e.g., a list of Element, IDType, or string-based UUIDs.

namestr, optional

A label for the newly created progression.



The resulting progression containing the validated IDs.

File Location

Source File: lionagi/protocols/generic/

Copyright (c) 2023 - 2024, HaiyangLi < at gmail dot com> SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0