libs.nested Subpackage

The lionagi.libs.nested subpackage offers a range of functions and utilities for manipulating deeply nested Python data structures (dictionaries, lists, and mixed compositions). It supports:

  • Flattening nested dictionaries/lists into a single-level representation

  • Filtering nested structures by custom predicates

  • Navigating or modifying deeply nested items (get/set/insert/pop)

  • Merging multiple nested structures

1) Flattening

This module provides a flatten function to convert nested structures into a flat dictionary, with keys representing the path (optionally joined by a separator).

lionagi.libs.nested.flatten.flatten(nested_structure, /, parent_key=(), sep='|', coerce_keys=True, dynamic=True, coerce_sequence=None, max_depth=None) dict[str, Any] | dict[tuple, Any]

Recursively traverse a nested structure (dictionaries or lists) and produce a single-level dictionary. The path to each leaf value is recorded as either a string (by joining keys with sep) or a tuple of keys/indices if coerce_keys=False.


  • nested_structure: The data to flatten (dict, list, or any nested mixture).

  • parent_key: Internal usage; the base path (tuple) in recursion.

  • sep (str): The separator used to join keys when coerce_keys=True.

  • coerce_keys (bool): If True, the resulting dict keys are strings joined by sep. If False, they remain tuples.

  • dynamic (bool): Whether to treat sequences (lists) dynamically. If True, flattens them similarly to dicts.

  • coerce_sequence ({“dict”,”list”,None}): Force any sequence to become either a dict or remain a list in the flattened result.

  • max_depth (int|None): Limit the flattening recursion depth.


A dictionary whose keys are the “paths” to each leaf, and values the original leaf data.


>>> nested = {"a": 1, "b": {"c": 2, "d": [3,4]}}
>>> flatten(nested)
{'a': 1, 'b|c': 2, 'b|d|0': 3, 'b|d|1': 4}

2) nfilter

Tools to filter nested structures by a predicate.

lionagi.libs.nested.filter.nfilter(nested_structure, /, condition: Callable[[Any], bool]) dict | list

Traverse a nested dict or list and remove items (or sub-branches) for which condition(x) is False, preserving only those that pass. If a node is itself a dict/list, it’s kept if it passes or has children that pass.


  • nested_structure: The dict/list to filter.

  • condition (Callable): A function returning True to keep the item, False to remove.


The filtered nested structure of the same type (dict or list).


>>> data = {"a": 1, "b": {"c": 2, "d": 3}, "e": [4,5,6]}
>>> nfilter(data, lambda x: isinstance(x, int) and x > 2)
{'b': {'d': 3}, 'e': [4, 5, 6]}

3) Nested Getter

Retrieves a value from a nested structure by following a list of indices or keys.

lionagi.libs.nested.nget.nget(nested_structure, /, indices: list[int | str], default=UNDEFINED) Any

Follow the chain of keys/indices in a nested dict/list structure to retrieve a final value. If at any point a key or index is invalid, return default (or raise an error if no default is specified).

Parameters: - nested_structure: The data to access. - indices (list): The chain of keys/indices to follow. - default: Value to return if not found; if omitted and not found,

raises an error.


The value at the nested location, or default.


>>> data = {"a": {"b": [10, 20]}}
>>> nget(data, ["a","b",1])
>>> nget(data, ["a","x"], default=None)

4) Nested Insert

Inserts a new value at a path within a nested structure, expanding the lists/dicts as necessary.

lionagi.libs.nested.ninsert.ninsert(nested_structure, /, indices: list[str | int], value: Any) None

Like a nested “insert” - if the path’s container doesn’t exist, it creates empty dicts or lists automatically.

Parameters: - nested_structure: The dict or list to modify. - indices (list): The chain of keys/indices specifying the insertion path. - value: The new value to insert.


>>> data = {}
>>> ninsert(data, ["a", 0], 99)
>>> data
{'a': [99]}

5) Merging

Merge multiple nested dictionaries or lists into a single structure, handling collisions and optionally sorting lists.

lionagi.libs.nested.nmerge.nmerge(nested_structure, /, overwrite=False, dict_sequence=False, sort_list=False, custom_sort=None) dict | list

Given a list of homogeneously typed items (all dicts or all lists), merges them into one dictionary or list. For dicts, can combine or overwrite duplicates. For lists, concatenates (and can optionally sort).

Parameters: - nested_structure (list[dict|list]): The items to merge. - overwrite (bool): If True, later dict keys overwrite earlier ones. - dict_sequence (bool): If True and not overwriting, assign unique

keys for collisions.

  • sort_list (bool): Sort the merged list if merging lists.

  • custom_sort (Callable|None): A custom comparator or sort key.

Returns: - The merged dictionary or list.


>>> dicts = [{"a":1}, {"b":2}, {"a":3}]
>>> nmerge(dicts)
{'a': [1, 3], 'b': 2}
>>> nmerge(dicts, overwrite=True)
{'a': 3, 'b': 2}

>>> lists = [[1,2],[3,1]]
>>> nmerge(lists, sort_list=True)
[1, 1, 2, 3]

6) Nested Pop

Removes and returns a value from a nested structure, by path. Analogous to a standard dict.pop() or list.pop(), but nested.

lionagi.libs.nested.npop.npop(input_, /, indices, default=UNDEFINED) Any

Traverse the nested dict/list using indices and pop the final item (remove from parent container). If not found, return default if given, else raise KeyError/IndexError.

Parameters: - input_ (dict|list): The data structure to pop from. - indices (str|int|Sequence[str|int]): Path to the item. - default: If provided, returned when the path doesn’t exist.

Returns: - The removed item’s value.


>>> data = {"x": [10, 20]}
>>> npop(data, ["x", 1])
>>> data
{'x': [10]}

7) Nested Set

Set or overwrite a value in a nested structure at a specified path.

lionagi.libs.nested.nset.nset(nested_structure, /, indices, value) None

Like nget, but modifies the final location to value. Creates intermediate dicts/lists if needed.

Parameters: - nested_structure (dict|list): The data to modify. - indices (Sequence[str|int]): The path of keys/indices. - value (Any): The value to store.


>>> data = {"a": {"b": [10, 20]}}
>>> nset(data, ["a","b",1], 99)
>>> data
{'a': {'b': [10, 99]}}

8) Internal Helpers

Contains internal helper routines for index manipulation and structural checks.

  • is_homogeneous, is_same_dtype, is_structure_homogeneous: For checking uniform types in containers.

  • deep_update: Recursively update one dictionary with another.

  • get_target_container: Get the immediate container for the final index in a nested path.

  • ensure_list_index: Helper to expand a list until an index is valid.

These are mostly used internally by the other nested modules, but can also be used if you need to detect homogeneous structures or create missing slots in a list.

Usage Example

Below is a short demonstration combining several features:

from lionagi.libs.nested.flatten import flatten
from lionagi.libs.nested.nfilter import nfilter
from lionagi.libs.nested.nget import nget
from lionagi.libs.nested.nset import nset
from lionagi.libs.nested.npop import npop

data = {
    "a": 1,
    "b": {
        "c": 2,
        "d": [10, 20, 30],

# Flatten:
flat = flatten(data)
# {"a": 1, "b|c": 2, "b|d|0": 10, "b|d|1": 20, "b|d|2": 30}

# Filter: keep only values > 10
filtered = nfilter(data, lambda x: isinstance(x, int) and x > 10)
# => {"b": {"d": [20,30]}}

# nget: get data["b"]["d"][1] => 20
val = nget(data, ["b","d",1])
# val = 20

# nset: data["b"]["c"] = 99
nset(data, ["b","c"], 99)

# npop: remove data["b"]["d"][0] => returns 10
popped = npop(data, ["b","d",0])
# data is now {"a": 1, "b": {"c": 99, "d": [20,30]}}

This subpackage makes it simple to deeply manipulate nested dictionaries and lists without cumbersome loops or repeated checks.