libs.validate Subpackage

This subpackage provides a variety of validation utilities. It includes:

  • Boolean validation (e.g. parse “true”/”yes”/”1” to Python bool).

  • String similarity-based key matching (fuzzy validation).

  • Model field validators (suitable for Pydantic usage).

  • High-level mapping validation (turn arbitrary data into a valid dictionary with expected keys).


Key Exports:

lionagi.libs.validate.validate_boolean.validate_boolean(x) bool

Attempt to convert an arbitrary input (None, bool, numeric, str, etc.) into a Python boolean. Recognizes many common textual representations (e.g. “yes”, “no”, “on”, “off”, etc.). Raises an error if conversion is not possible.


from lionagi.libs.validate.validate_boolean import validate_boolean

assert validate_boolean("yes") is True
assert validate_boolean(0j) is False
validate_boolean(None)  # raises TypeError
  • TRUE_VALUES: a frozenset of recognized “true” strings (case-insensitive).

  • FALSE_VALUES: a frozenset of recognized “false” strings.

2) (alias)

A collection of small helper functions typically used as class validators in Pydantic models.


lionagi.libs.validate.common_field_validators.validate_boolean_field(cls, value, default=None) bool | None

Wraps validate_boolean, returning a default if conversion fails.

lionagi.libs.validate.common_field_validators.validate_same_dtype_flat_list(cls, value, dtype, default=[], dropna=True) list

Ensure value can be interpreted as a list of a single data type dtype. Useful for Pydantic fields that must be homogeneous lists.

lionagi.libs.validate.common_field_validators.validate_nullable_string_field(cls, value, field_name, strict=True) str | None

Check if value is a string or empty, or allow None.

lionagi.libs.validate.common_field_validators.validate_nullable_jsonvalue_field(cls, value) JsonValue | None

For fields that can be JSON or None.

lionagi.libs.validate.common_field_validators.validate_dict_kwargs_params(cls, value) dict

Ensure a dict for validator kwargs.

lionagi.libs.validate.common_field_validators.validate_callable(cls, value, undefind_able=True, check_name=False) callable

Check if value is callable.

lionagi.libs.validate.common_field_validators.validate_model_to_type(cls, value)

Return a valid Pydantic model or raise.

lionagi.libs.validate.common_field_validators.validate_list_dict_str_keys(cls, value)

Confirm that a list/dict is purely string-based keys.

lionagi.libs.validate.common_field_validators.validate_str_str_dict(cls, value)

Confirm a dictionary is {str -> str}.


Key Exports:

lionagi.libs.validate.string_similarity.string_similarity(word, correct_words, algorithm='jaro_winkler', threshold=0.0, case_sensitive=False, return_most_similar=False) str | list[str] | None

Compare a single word to a list of correct_words using various similarity metrics. Return either the single best match or all matches above threshold.

Supported built-in algorithms:

  • “jaro_winkler” (default)

  • “levenshtein”

  • “sequence_matcher” (Python stdlib)

  • “hamming” (only if strings are same length)

  • “cosine”

lionagi.libs.validate.string_similarity.jaro_winkler_similarity(s, t, scaling=0.1) float

A popular measure of string distance, returning [0..1].

lionagi.libs.validate.string_similarity.levenshtein_similarity(s1, s2) float

Convert the edit distance to a similarity.

Plus other lower-level distance measures (Hamming, Cosine, etc.).


Key Exports:

lionagi.libs.validate.fuzzy_match_keys.fuzzy_match_keys(d_, keys, similarity_algo='jaro_winkler', similarity_threshold=0.85, fuzzy_match=True, handle_unmatched='ignore', fill_value=None, fill_mapping=None, strict=False) dict

Given a dictionary d_ and an expected list of keys (or dict), attempt to align actual keys to expected keys, possibly using string similarity. Various ways to handle unmatched or missing keys are supported.

  • handle_unmatched can be:

    • “ignore” : keep unmatched as-is

    • “raise” : raise ValueError on unmatched

    • “remove” : discard unmatched

    • “fill” : fill missing with fill_value or fill_mapping

    • “force” : combine “fill” + “remove”

class lionagi.libs.validate.fuzzy_match_keys.FuzzyMatchKeysParams

Pydantic-friendly parameter class that calls fuzzy_match_keys().


Key Exports:

lionagi.libs.validate.fuzzy_validate_mapping.fuzzy_validate_mapping(d, keys, similarity_algo='jaro_winkler', similarity_threshold=0.85, fuzzy_match=True, handle_unmatched='ignore', fill_value=None, fill_mapping=None, strict=False, suppress_conversion_errors=False) dict
  1. Convert d to a dictionary if possible (string -> parse JSON, etc.).

  2. Then apply fuzzy key validation using fuzzy_match_keys.

class lionagi.libs.validate.fuzzy_validate_mapping.FuzzyValidateMappingParams

Parameter model for the above function.


(Already covered above.)

Usage Example: Fuzzy Key Matching

Here’s a minimal snippet showing how to fix up user-provided JSON with slight typos in keys:

from lionagi.libs.validate.fuzzy_match_keys import fuzzy_match_keys

user_data = {
    "Namme": "Alice",
    "Agee": 30,
    "desc": "Test"
expected_keys = ["Name", "Age", "Description"]

corrected = fuzzy_match_keys(

# might yield: {"Name": "Alice", "Age": 30}
# "desc" was removed as unmatched, "Name" was corrected from "Namme"

Usage Example: Field Validators

In a Pydantic model you can do:

from pydantic import BaseModel, field_validator
from lionagi.libs.validate.common_field_validators import (

class MyModel(BaseModel):
    tags: list[str] = []
    is_active: bool = True

    @field_validator("tags", pre=True)
    def validate_tags(cls, v):
        return validate_same_dtype_flat_list(cls, v, str, dropna=True)

    @field_validator("is_active", pre=True)
    def validate_is_active(cls, v):
        return validate_boolean_field(cls, v, default=True)


The lionagi.libs.validate subpackage centralizes common validation tasks:

  • Convert arbitrary data into booleans or dicts.

  • Fuzzy match and correct dictionary keys (typos).

  • Distance metrics for string similarity.

  • Pydantic-friendly field validators.

This is especially handy in user-facing contexts where partial correctness (e.g. key spelling) or flexible data formatting must be accepted and normalized.