Log, LogManager, and Config


This module introduces:

  • A LogManagerConfig class that holds configuration for where and how logs are stored (directory, file naming, capacity, etc.).

  • A Log class, an immutable record wrapping a dictionary of data.

  • A LogManager class, which manages collections of Log objects, handles persistence (CSV/JSON), and enforces capacity-based auto-saving.



class lionagi.protocols.generic.log.LogManagerConfig

A pydantic-based configuration model that defines where logs should be stored, how files are named, and whether auto-saving or clearing is performed on certain conditions.


persist_dirstr | Path

Base directory to store log files (defaults to "./data/logs").

subfolderstr | None

Optional subdirectory name inside persist_dir.

file_prefixstr | None

An optional prefix for log filenames.

capacityint | None

Maximum number of logs before an auto-dump is triggered (None for no limit).


File extension, must be one of .csv, .json, or .jsonl.


If True, timestamps are included in file names.

hash_digitsint | None

Number of random hash digits to include in filenames (None for none).


If True, logs are saved automatically when the Python process exits.


If True, logs are cleared from memory after dumping to file.


classmethod _validate_non_negative(value) int

Private class method that ensures that capacity and hash_digits are non-negative integers.

classmethod _ensure_dot_extension(value) str

Private class method that ensures the extension starts with a dot and is one of the supported formats.


from lionagi.protocols.generic.log import LogManagerConfig

config = LogManagerConfig(
print(config)  # => LogManagerConfig(persist_dir='logs', ...)


class lionagi.protocols.generic.log.Log(Element)

Inherits from: Element

Represents an immutable log entry, wrapping a dictionary of content. Once created or loaded from a dictionary, its data can no longer be modified. This ensures that all logs are preserved in their original state.


contentdict[str, Any]

The primary content of the log entry, typically an arbitrary dictionary of metadata or snapshot data.

Private Attributes

_immutable : bool

Private flag indicating whether this log entry is locked from further changes.


__setattr__(name: str, value: Any) None

Prevents mutation if this log is already marked immutable. Raises AttributeError if a change is attempted.

classmethod from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) Log

Creates a Log from a dictionary. Marks the new log as immutable.

classmethod create(cls, content: Element | dict) Log

Constructs a new log from either an Element (using its to_dict() method) or a dictionary. If the resulting content is empty, a log entry with an error message is created.


from lionagi.protocols.generic.log import Log
from lionagi.protocols.generic.element import Element

class UserSession(Element):
    def __init__(self, session_data):
        self.session_data = session_data

session = UserSession({"user": "alice", "action": "login"})
log_entry = Log.create(session)


class lionagi.protocols.generic.log.LogManager(Manager)

Inherits from: Manager

A manager that stores Log objects in a Pile. It optionally dumps them to files (CSV/JSON) automatically when certain conditions are met (like reaching a capacity limit or application exit).



The collection of logs being managed.


Configuration parameters that control directory, file naming, capacity, and auto-save behavior.


__init__(*, logs: Any = None, _config: LogManagerConfig = None, **kwargs) None

Initializes a LogManager. If _config is not provided, a new LogManagerConfig is created from additional keyword arguments.



Initial logs, can be a dictionary, list, or existing Pile.

_configLogManagerConfig | None

If None, builds config from remaining kwargs.


Additional arguments passed to LogManagerConfig.


If auto_save_on_exit is True, a dump is automatically performed on interpreter shutdown.


log(log_: Log) None

Adds a log synchronously. If the capacity is reached, triggers a dump() call automatically.

async alog(log_: Log) None

Asynchronous version of log(), also checks capacity for auto-dump.

dump(clear: bool | None = None, persist_path: str | Path | None = None) None

Dumps the logs to a file. If the extension is unsupported, raises a ValueError. Can optionally clear logs from memory afterward.

async adump(clear: bool | None = None, persist_path: str | Path | None = None) None

Async version of dump().

save_at_exit() None

Called at interpreter exit if LogManagerConfig.auto_save_on_exit is True. Attempts to dump logs before shutdown.

classmethod from_config(config: LogManagerConfig, logs: Any = None) LogManager

Creates a new LogManager from a given config object, optionally seeded with logs.


from lionagi.protocols.generic.log import Log, LogManager, LogManagerConfig

config = LogManagerConfig(capacity=10, extension=".json")
manager = LogManager.from_config(config)

# Create logs
log_entry = Log.create({"event": "user_signup", "user": "bob"})
manager.log(log_entry)   # add log synchronously

# Dump logs manually

File Location

Source File: lionagi/protocols/generic/log.py

Copyright (c) 2023 - 2024, HaiyangLi <quantocean.li at gmail dot com> SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0